Cultivation of Mango and its Export in Pakistan

Mango is mostly known by its remarks in Asia but now its farming has been extended to many different regions of the world. After blooming, this fruit grows at the end of a long stringy peduncle. Sometimes that string has more than one fruit.

Cultivation Of Mango And Its Export In Pakistan

The appearance of a Mango

The size of this fruit measures from 5 to 15 cm in length and about 10cms in width. Most of the mangos have their typical shape but some times also come in round and oval shape. 

Its outer skin is smooth and green when it is unripe. When it is ripe the skin turns golden yellow, orange-red, crimson red, or simply yellow.  This depends upon the area and cultivar type. In Pakistan, mango season lasts from April to August. 

Health benefits of Mango fruit

Cultivation Of Mango And Its Export In Pakistan

Mango fruit enriches with healthy pre-biotic dietary fibers. It has minerals, vitamins, and poly-phenolic antioxidant compounds. In recent research, it is known that mango protects you from leukaemia, colon, and breast cancer. It’s a polyphenolic compound that protects our body from different materials that become a reason for colon and breast cancer. 

Vitamin A

Itis jam-pack with Vitamin A and flavonoid of a-carotene, b-carotene. Wach 100g of mango fruit provides 180IU. Which means it has 6% of daily Vitamin A in it. It is very beneficial for your skin. Consumption of natural fruits like mango can help you protect your lung and oral cavity cancer. 


They are also a good source of Potassium as well. 156 mg of potassium is store in each 100 g fruit of mango with 1 mg Sodium.  Potassium is a key component for body fluids, it helps to control our blood pressure and heart rate. 

Vitamins and Minerals

It is likewise an astounding source nutrient B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamin C enables the body to create obstruction against infectious agents just as rummage destructive oxygen-free radicals. Vitamin B-6 or pyridoxine require for GABA hormone creation inside the cerebrum.

Mangoes in Pakistan

Pakistan is fairly known in the trading world of mango. Currently, Pakistan is the 5th largest mango producer in the world. After orange, Mango is the second-largest fruit farming in Pakistan. It is mostly cultivated in Punjab and Sindh Province of Pakistan. 

Here in Pakistan Mango is harvested in the month of June and July. Pakistan offers over 200 Varieties of mangoes. The most popular ones are Sindhri and Chaunsa. Both of these types are also exports majorly in the world.  Pakistan exports mango value around 20 million  US dollars per year. 

According to neighbouring countries, the yield of Mangoes in Pakistan is low. But many companies like are trying to increase their cultivation. Being one of the leading mango exporters in Pakistan trying its best to improve the quality of mangoes and its packing. 

Types of Mangoes that Pakistan grow and exports

In Pakistan, Mangoes comes in many different types. Their shapes and sizes depending upon the region in which it is cultivated and cultivar types. The flesh of the mango is juicy with soft fibrils radiating from it. Its seed looks like a kidney. Pakistani Mangoes have a very rich sweet taste that is never found anywhere else in the world. Mango seed (stone) is either has a single embryo or even 2  polyembryonic.

Cultivation Of Mango And Its Export In Pakistan

There are various types of mangoes that Pakistan export throughout the world. We are going to mention one of the best here and all of these types are also available at If you are wondering how many types of mangoes Pakistan export? then below in your answer.

  1. Chaunsa
  2. White Chaunsa
  3. Sindhri 
  4. Anwar Nator
  5. Dusehri
  6. Samar Bahisht

All of these types are organically cultivated at 200 Acre farms. We are on the way to becoming one of the leading Mango exporters in Pakistan. We do not compromise the quality of our mangoes. Our latest packaging techniques keep mangoes safe and sound during transport.

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