(Green Grass) kohinoor bemisal chara

Price On Call


Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : Thatta, Pakistan, Sindh

(Green Grass) kohinoor bemisal chara

300 mun (maund)

Grass is available

Is ma pata both zadia ha or is ka weight bi ha ya 5 sa 6 foot lamba grass ha  maweshi ka lia ya both bathreen grass ha is sa cow , buffalo ka milk bi zadia hota ha or in ka meat bi zadia hoga or ya healthy raha gi

Grass is available 300 mun (maund)

Looking for high-quality (green grass) kohinoor bemisal chara that’s perfect for your livestock? Look no further than Agrithing! Our green grass is lush, visually appealing, and incredibly beneficial for cows, buffalos, and other animals used for milk production.
Agrithing’s green grass is rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote animal health and milk production. By providing your livestock with our premium green grass, you can be confident they get the optimal nutrition they need to produce high-quality milk.
In addition to promoting milk production, our green grass also enhances the taste and quality of the milk. The milk produced by animals fed Agrithing’s green grass is known for its freshness, richness, and superior flavour. By choosing our green grass, you’re investing in your animal’s health and the quality of your dairy products.
Refrain from settling for subpar green grass that fails to deliver the nutrients your animals need. Choose Agrithing and give your livestock the advantage they need to thrive. Contact us today to learn more about our premium green grass and how we can help take your milk production and dairy products to the next level!

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Thatta, Pakistan, Sindh
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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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