Lever Spray Solid Metal For Extra Durability House Nozzle

₨ 550



Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Make : Global Products
Model : 2010
Year : 2023
Location : Agricomplex Pakistan G.T Road, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan

The “Lever Spray Solid Metal for Extra Durability House Nozzle” is a hose nozzle designed specifically for household use. It is characterized by its construction from solid metal, which enhances its durability and longevity compared to other materials.

This nozzle has a lever mechanism allowing the user to control the water flow easily. By adjusting the lever, you can regulate the intensity of the water stream, making it suitable for various watering tasks. The lever design offers convenience and comfort during use, as one hand can easily operate.

The solid metal construction ensures the durability of the nozzle, making it resistant to wear and tear, impact, and weather conditions. This sturdiness allows it to withstand frequent use and provides a longer lifespan than nozzles made from less robust materials.

The “Lever Spray Solid Metal for Extra Durability House Nozzle” is specifically designed around the house, such as watering plants, washing cars, cleaning outdoor surfaces, or any other general water spraying needs. It offers a reliable and efficient solution for maintaining your outdoor spaces and performing various household tasks that require water flow control.

With its sturdy construction and convenient lever operation, this nozzle provides an excellent option for those seeking a durable and versatile hose attachment for their home.

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Agricomplex Pakistan G.T Road, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
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