₨ 4,150



Type : Sell
Crop for Seed : yes
Location : Agricomplex Pakistan G.T Road, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan

Black Turtle Bush Bean seeds are a type of bean variety that is known for its rich, dark color and delicious flavor. These seeds produce compact, bushy plants that are easy to grow in home gardens or containers.

The Black Turtle Bush Bean gets its name from its small, oval-shaped beans that resemble black turtle shells. The beans are about half an inch long and have a shiny, jet-black color. They are often used in various culinary dishes and are highly regarded for their nutty, earthy taste.

One of the advantages of growing Black Turtle Bush Beans is their ability to thrive in different climates and soil conditions. They are considered a warm-season crop and require full sun exposure for optimal growth. These beans prefer well-drained soil and regular watering to keep the plants healthy and productive.

To plant Black Turtle Bush Bean seeds, you can either sow them directly in the garden, start them indoors, and later transplant them outside. If sowing directly, ensure the soil has warmed to at least 60°F (15°C) before planting. Plant the seeds about one inch deep and three inches apart in rows spaced approximately two feet apart.

Once the seeds germinate, the plants will grow and develop leaves. Regular watering is important to ensure the plants receive enough moisture, especially during dry periods. Additionally, it is beneficial to support the plants as they grow, such as using stakes or trellises to prevent them from sprawling on the ground.

Black Turtle Bush Beans usually reach maturity in about 60-70 days. Harvest the beans when they are fully developed but still tender. Regularly picking mature beans encourages the plant to produce more pods, extending the harvest period.

These beans are versatile in the kitchen and can be used in various recipes. They can be cooked and added to salads, soups, and stews or served as a side dish. They are also suitable for canning or freezing, allowing you to enjoy their flavor throughout the year.

In summary, Black Turtle Bush Bean seeds allow gardeners to grow a flavorful and visually appealing bean variety. You can enjoy a bountiful harvest of these delicious beans with proper care and attention to enhance your culinary creations.

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Agricomplex Pakistan G.T Road, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
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