Corn Silage: Nutritious Feed for Livestock

Corn silage is a type of forage made from whole corn plants. The plants are chopped, pressed, and left to ferment in a storage place called a silo or bunker. It serves as a high-quality feed for animals that chew their cud, such as dairy and beef cattle, and other livestock species, like swine, poultry, sheep, and goats. Maize silage is very nutritious and doesn’t cost too much. 

What is Maize Silage?

Corn silage, also known as Maize Silage, is produced by harvesting corn plants at a specific stage of maturity. The entire plant is cut into small bits, including the stalk, leaves, and cobs. These pieces are then pressed together tightly and stored without oxygen. This lack of oxygen helps the plant sugars turn into organic acids through fermentation, which helps keep the feed fresh and preserved.

What are the Benefits of Maize Silage?

The Benefits of Corn Silage are:

High Nutritional Value

Maize silage is packed with energy and has a balanced mix of carbs, proteins, and fibers. It gives animals the vital nutrients they need to grow and stay healthy.

Cost-effective Feed

Using corn silage as animal feed can save farmers money. Corn is a widely grown crop; turning it into silage lets farmers store and keep extra corn for later. This reduces waste and gives them a dependable and inexpensive feed option every year.

Increased Feed Efficiency

When livestock eat corn fodder, it helps them use their food better. Corn fodder is easy to digest, so it can efficiently turn nutrients into energy. This leads to improved use of livestock feed, making them gain weight and produce more milk.

Fiber Source

Maize fodder has a lot of fiber, crucial for keeping animals’ digestive systems healthy. The fiber helps to support the well-being of the rumen in animals with multiple stomachs, helping break down their food and enhancing overall digestion.

Consistent Quality

Farmers can harvest and store corn fodder in controlled conditions, ensuring consistent quality all year round. This means they can offer a steady and dependable source of nutrition to their animals, regardless of changes in forage availability during different seasons.

Flexibility in Feeding Programs

Corn Silage is versatile and can be used in different feeding programs. It can be included in diets for dairy cows, beef cattle, and even some non-ruminant species. This flexibility allows farmers to manage animal nutrition to suit their specific needs.

Reduced Environmental Impact

Farmers can help reduce the environmental impact of livestock production by using corn silage as animal feed. They can minimize waste and decrease the necessity for extra feed sources by using extra corn and other crop residues. This promotes sustainable agricultural practices and saves valuable resources.

What is the equipment used in Maize Fodder Making?




Whole corn plants are chopped into small pieces using a forage harvester.

Whole-Plant Harvesting

Entire corn plants, including stalks and ears, are harvested together.


Corn plants are shredded lengthwise to increase fiber digestion. 

Kernel Processing

Corn kernels are processed before ensiling to improve digestibility.


Chopped corn plants are compressed into round or square bales.

