₨ 225



Type : Sell
Crop for Seed : yes
Location : Agricomplex Pakistan G.T Road, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan

Pineapple tissue culture refers to propagating pineapple plants in a controlled laboratory environment. It involves cultivating plant cells or tissues in a nutrient-rich medium under sterile conditions. This technique commonly produces large quantities of disease-free and genetically identical pineapple plants.

The tissue culture process begins with collecting a small piece of tissue, typically from the growing tip of a pineapple plant, known as the explant. The explant is then sterilized to remove contaminants and placed onto a sterile nutrient medium containing a combination of sugars, vitamins, minerals, and growth regulators.

Under controlled conditions, the explant multiplies and differentiates into various plant cell types. As the cells divide and grow, they form a mass of undifferentiated calluses. The callus is then subcultured onto fresh nutrient media to promote the development of shoots.

The shoots are carefully separated from the callus in the subsequent stages and transferred to a medium containing specific growth regulators to induce their elongation and multiplication. These shoots continue to develop until they reach a suitable size for transfer to a rooting medium.

The rooting medium provides the necessary nutrients and hormones for the shoots to develop roots. Once the roots are established, the plantlets gradually acclimate to environmental conditions outside the laboratory. This process involves exposing the plantlets to lower humidity and reduced protection to prepare them for the outside world.

After acclimatization, the healthy and well-rooted pineapple plantlets are ready to transfer to soil or other growing substrates, where they can grow into mature pineapple plants. By utilizing tissue culture techniques, growers can produce many uniform and disease-free pineapple plants with desirable characteristics in a relatively short period.

Tissue culture offers several advantages over traditional propagation methods, such as seed germination or vegetative propagation. It allows for the rapid multiplication of plants, maintains genetic uniformity, eliminates the transmission of diseases, and ensures a higher survival rate of the propagated plants.

In summary, pineapple tissue culture is a technique that involves the in vitro propagation of pineapple plants by culturing plant tissues or cells in a controlled environment. It plays a significant role in producing disease-free and genetically identical pineapple plants for commercial cultivation.

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Agricomplex Pakistan G.T Road, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
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