
Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Price per 40kg : 1120
Price Per Ton : 28000
Year : 2023
Location : muzaffarabad chakar

Kashmiri desi Patato is a type of potato grown in the Kashmir region of India and Pakistan. It has special flavors and characteristics that make it different from other potatoes.


Appearance: Kashmiri Desi Potato are medium-sized and round or oval in shape. The skin is usually light brown to reddish-brown with darker spots. The skin may feel slightly rough.


Flavor: One notable thing about Kashmiri Desi Potato is its unique and rich flavor. It has a slightly sweet and earthy taste with a creamy buttery undertone. People often describe its flavor as nutty and robust, which makes it very popular in cooking.


Texture: The flesh of Kashmiri Desi Potato is firm and starchy. It has a smooth, creamy texture that stays firm when cooked. It doesn’t get mushy, so it works well in many recipes.


Usage: Kashmiri Desi Potato is a versatile potato used in many dishes. It’s commonly used in Kashmiri cuisine to make traditional dishes like Dum Aloo (potatoes cooked in a rich sauce), Aloo Palak (potatoes with spinach), or Aloo Methi (potatoes with fenugreek leaves). It’s also great for making fries, chips, mashed potatoes, and roasted potatoes.


Nutritional Value: Like other potatoes, Kashmiri Desi Potato is a good source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber. It also has essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, and B.


Availability: Kashmiri Desi Potato is mainly grown and eaten in the Kashmir region of India. However, it may also be found in some markets outside the region due to increasing demand and trade.


Cultural Significance: Potatoes, including Kashmiri Desi Potato, are important in Kashmiri cuisine. They are a vital part of traditional recipes in the region and are loved for their flavors and versatility in making delicious dishes. 

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muzaffarabad chakar
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