Direct Rice Sowing Drills For For Maximum Yield


Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No

In Pakistan, rice is conventionally grown by transplanting method in puddled fields like other major rice-producing countries of Asia. But increasing water scarcity due to climate change and competition for freshwater is raising concerns on the sustainability of current rice growing practices, and these emerging issues warrant a paradigm shift in the traditional rice-growing system. Traditional rice cultivation is water-intensive; with total input varies from 1500-3000 mm per season depending on soil type and agro-climatic conditions.

For Pakistan, rising water scarcity is a major concern and per capita water availability is shrinking by every year. The per capita water availability fell from 5650 m3 in 1950 to 940 m3 today. This situation is very alarming and has threatened the cultivation of puddled transplanted rice (PTR), the most dominant rice establishment method in the country which requires a huge amount of water and labor. Additionally, labor is also becoming scarce and consequently expensive. New ideas and innovations in rice establishment methods and irrigation systems are required to ensure the sustainability of the rice system. One of the potential solutions to these issues is drill seeding of rice under dry conditions similar to other cereal crops like wheat and maize. While dry direct seeded rice (DSR) has a high potential to save irrigation water, but it all depends on irrigation scheduling and methods. Another approach is to develop precision water management and micro-irrigation system for DSR to further increase water saving in rice.

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