
Type : Sell
Crop for Seed : Bell pepper
Seed Type : Organic
Location : Agricomplex, Mughal road, Gujranwala.

The bell paper, also known as the green bell pepper, is a cultivar group of Capsicum species. Cultivars of the plant produce fruits in different colors, including red, yellow, orange, green, white, and purple. The green bell pepper is an unripe stage of the pepper, while the red, yellow, and orange bell peppers represent varying ripeness levels. As the green bell pepper ages and ripens, its taste and health benefits change. It exhibits good disease resistance and fruit-setting solid ability and is suitable for planting in both open fields and protected fields. The recommended growing temperature for the green bell pepper ranges from 10 to 28 degrees Celsius.

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Agricomplex, Mughal road, Gujranwala.
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